PRE-WORK/WEBSITE HOUSE KEEPING from the point of view of me (carrie), since i am the least computer savvy, just in case you are, too:
if you have ever visited our website, please do the following real quick. (we might ask you again next week to do this... as new look book will go up then.)
1) go to imogeneandwillie.com
if you see a NEW video, and a washing machine icon with text instruction for washing your jeans like real people, then you are good. skip next #2 and #3 instructions.
if you see the OLD video (about the shop) and some not so cute out of place orange text at the top of the page that doesn't make sense, please follow #2 and #3 instruction below.
2) empty your cache
(for example on MAC: click on safari or firefox at top left corner next to the apple. go down 7 lines.. see "empty cache". push it.)
3) go to imogeneandwillie.com
now, REFRESH the page. (usually, the round arrow to the RIGHT of where you type in web addresses on your browser.)
if you are like my computer, then you might have to do this several times.
imogene+willie just this week turned ONE! this means that, for a lot of you, your jeans are celebrating the same birthday, or will be in the coming months.
our favorite phone calls now on a daily basis are, "ok. i am ready. how do i wash these jeans?"
we thought it might be easier to explain it from the point of view of our customers.
so, this morning we introduce WASH YOUR JEANS LIKE REAL PEOPLE. video and text instruction.
go check it out.
everything we do takes good work from good people.
thank you, matt and ian, for dreaming and thinking and creating.
thank you, john moessner, for understanding what we love and capturing it so well on video.
thank you, patty griffin, for singing songs that put us on our knees.
thank you dave wheeler, for your friendship. but also, for pulling off always-so-last minute web work.
thank you brian stone, teresa mason and james clauer (and chaplin) for being really good real people.
im totally intrigued