many will see for i+w
this gets a tad long winded, but read to the end!
so this is what happened this morning...
woke up for coffee and quick run through of our email inbox, which normally is at 7am not so overwhelming.
just usually always a lovely email from my mom, then some business with east coasters that are already at work, then questions from over seas customers that are awake while we have been asleep, and finally...notifications from websites and blogs that we follow.
this morning... all of that, then hundreds of more emails from new friends of imogene+willie from all over the world.
we were GOOPED.
those of you that follow us know that my posts are quite a bit more girly and emotional than those posted by my hilarious husband matt and our brilliant storekeeper ian.
so, i will tell you that i am tearful when we send this big ole heartfelt THANK YOU to precious gwyneth paltrow and her amazing, lovely team at GOOP.
more about our new found friendship with that team later....
but back to this morning...
we are getting emails by the droves... questions about product available to purchase.
if you are just today learning about imogene+willie, you will see that we don't do e-commerce... yet.
we do, however, for those that can't get to nashville - visit on the phone all day long with customers all around the country and world.
personal shopping experience!
so, our friend and photographer extraordinare thomas petillo grabbed his gear this morning and met us at the store for a very impromptu photo shoot with sweet jessie baylin - so we can visually show you some great pieces that are available at the gas station right now.
what we want to show you today....
amanda urrego is a jewelry designer that in a year from now, we all will wish we had one of her first pieces.
more important than her art, though... she is one of the dearest souls we have ever known.
amanda created MANY WILL SEE in 2008, primarily making pieces for friends in the music industry.
her pieces resonate her roots.... shiny and glamorous because born and bred and still part time in los angeles. and then old and rustic and worn in because living in and loving nashville.
just to mention a few that own her masterpieces... taylor swift, angie harmon, julianne hough, and martina mcbride. and holly williams, who has played such an integral part in the evolution of MANY WILL SEE.
holly got the artistic gene passed down from her father hank, jr. she is the gem of this new city we call home. holly also created and owns the most fabulous shop, h. audrey. yet another reason for you to just get on down to nashville!
i am rambling. back to amanda..
we are so very honored that amanda has created a special capsule for us: MANY WILL SEE FOR I+W.
can't even believe it.
enjoy the virtual experience of viewing amanda's new collection in the slide show.
all clothing in the images are available at imogene+willie as of today.
can i say one more thing?
jessie baylin. this girl woke up early this morning with just a little notice to help us out.
didn't fix her hair or put on makeup... just came to play dress up and have a picture session.
helping out. this is what nashville is about, by the way.
based in NEW YORK/LA/NASHVILLE, jessie is the epitome of classic. think dusty springfield with stevie nicks..... then dream of her new album that we all cannot even wait for.... fall-ish 2010.
jessie is another sweet soul that we are so happy to call friend. she is so very talented in her own right.... and also sweet wife to nathan followill, drummer of KINGS OF LEON.
go back to the top of this long post, check out the images, then call us or email us with product inquiry.
just describe it to us and we will get it packaged up for you and on the way to your doorstep.
our contact info:
615-292-5005 - store - email
special friend's new collection coming up in a couple of hours..
thursday am. march 25.
see you here at 10ish am nashville time!
see you here at 10ish am nashville time!
Beauty in Black & White

There is a power in simplicity. In a social issue, a radical new idea, a photograph, a design; a black & white mentality exudes a unique power, unencumbered by unnecessary detail, or distracting "color." The raw image, the heart, instinctual free-thought. We have attempted to espouse this focused, simple energy by making a product that breaks barriers in a subtle, slow, and intentional way. Rooting our designs and thoughts in history, family, friends, and life, avoiding compositional aberration, or baseless pretension. Imogene + Willie wants to make a jean for your life. Thank you to everyone who has embraced our store and the product we make. As we approach Spring/Summer 2010, we look forward to beginning year two of Imogene + Willie. We wouldn't want to do it with anyone else. Love, Ian @ I+W
GO BIG BLUE. and.........

if you are reading from japan, amsterdam, ontario....or anywhere outside of the USA, you might want to tune out for a minute.
we are talking march madness.
go big blue. and.....
orange, because we respect the rivalry (working on it) and landed our imogene+willie ship in it's state... and love our shareholders, some of which love the orange!
but let us say again: KENTUCKY BLUE!!!!
now taking pre-orders for the K and the T, made at imogene+willie.
ladies: your piece is a dead stock scoop neck military undershirt. a little long and tunic-y. i love it. your choice... K or T on the front, our plus sign on the sleeve.
guys: and yours... on a dead stock henley. same configuration.
price for limited edition piece: $85.
email or call to place an order.
we are expecting quite a gathering of kentucky fans in nashville next weekend for the SEC tourney. want to make sure that you call in advance to reserve your piece.
love, c
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